

hello welcome to my blogger my name is aldo

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Keys to successful living

Keys to successful living

Part 1

Everyone wants to be successful in life, but where are the keys to success? Do we have to go out and search for those keys, or do we have those pothentials already whtin ourselves? When we begain to examine life, wem can see it is divided into to aspects – life whithin and life without; internal life and external life – and we cansee that these aspects are of equle importances. Even if we have renounced the world, gone far away from civillaization, and live in the wilderness doing nothing but midatation, we cannot ignore external life. We still have to see that we eat, doour ablutiaons, and prefom our practice on time. So life in the external world is as important as ther life in the internal WORLD.

Even onewho has renoncee the wold has to understand the word realationship propely, because life itself is actually relationship. The body is realated to the breath, SENSCES, AND mind all functions together as a unit. So life virtually means relationship, AND the breath is related to the mind. The body, BRATH, SENCE, AND mind all function together as a untit. So life virtually means realationship, and thus the art of living and being required and understanding of one’s relationship to the external world and the relationship within oneself.  

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The benjerman franklin 13 week

The benjerman franklin 13 week 

Self-improvement challenge

Franklin traced his progress on charts he crated. The first letter of each day was listed on the top and the first letter of each virtue was indicated down left side. He would add a dot if he felt he fell short of meeting that virtue on a given day. Benjamin franklin carried these charts with him as a reminder of his personal plan of conduct.

The following 13 virtue is franklin’s detentions

1.   Temperance

2.   ‘Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself. Avoid tariffing conversations

3.   Order                                                                                                                   let’s all your things have their places. Let each part of your business have its time

4.   Resolution   

Resolve to preform what you out. Preform without fail what u reserved

5.    Frugality

Make no expense but to do well to others or yourself: i.e. water time

6.   Industry

‘Lose no time. Be always employed on something useful. Cut off all unnecessary actions

7.   Sincerity

“Use no hurtful deceit. Think innocently and justly; and, if u speaks, speak accordingly.”

8.   Justice

“Wrong none, by doing injuries or omitting the benefits that are your duty  

9.   Moderation  

“Avoid stream. Forbear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve

10.                     Cleanliness “tolerates no uncleanness in body, cloths or habits.”

11.                     Chastity

“ I would never do anything that would disrespect my wife. “

Thursday, August 23, 2012

first time :D

ummm ...................HPIAM IS NOT BAD im still geting use to the classes and its a bit small but its still a grat school